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Our research relies on collaborators from the following participating universities and federal agencies. Click each member's name to visit their research page. If you are looking for information on the sites they are sampling, please visit the Study Sites page.



Federal Agencies

Utah State University

Lauren Smith, Josh Hewitt, Grete Wilson-Henjum, Richard Evans, and Meggan Morrison

Logan, UT

University of Minnesota

Tyler Garwood, James Forester and Tiffany Wolf

St. Paul, MN

Pennsylvania State University

Alec Baker and Wantida Horpiencharoen

University Park, PA

Colorado State University

Jeremy Alder

Fort Collins, CO

Southern Illinois University

Tadao Kishimoto, Michael Egan

Carbondale, IL

University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Mark Wilber, Lisa Muller, and Dan Grove

Justin Kosiewska, Dailee Metts, Jacob Wyrick and Allan Houston

Knoxville, TN

University of Pennsylvania - Wildlife Futures Program

Axel Hoarau and Jennifer Hoy-Petersen

Philadelphia, PA

Columbia University

Meredith VanAcker, Laura Plimpton

New York, NY

University of Maryland


College Park, MD

USDA-APHIS, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center

Kim Pepin [SARS-CoV-2]


Jennifer Malmberg [CWD]

Kurt Vercauteren


Lindsay Parrie, Christian Franco, Joanne Tennant

Fort Collins, CO

USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Pennsylvania

Alec Baker and Wantida Horpiencharoen

University Park, PA

Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center


Bozeman, MT

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